
Daily Record, Volume 2 No. 62

Published October 20, 1898

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The Daily Record

Circulation Large.

Advertising Rates Given.

The Latest news

25 Cents Per Month.

Be Sure To Register Saturday.

Volume 2. NO. 62.

Wilmington N.C., Thursday Evening, October 20, 1898.

Price Two CTS.

A Few Hints

“Lord God, of Hosts! Be with us yet,

Lest we forget, lest we forget.”

Don’t get mad at all the white people because of the few who have forgotten; we have friends among them yet and they are not all in the Republican party, either.

About 30 Negroes have been discharged from employment brcause [sic] of their determination to enjoy citizen rights. 60 men are wanted at Fort Caswell at fair wages. Surely God hath not forsaken us.

The matter of registration is worthy of deep consideration by the Republican voters of this city and county. Every ruse known to the Democratic party will be tried to head off the majority that should swell out for the Republican ticket in this election and if the voters do not register there will be no need worrying about the result. The Republicans will lose through their own carelessness.

There are many conservative white men in this city who say it is no crime for them to register and vote, then surely it is no crime for their servants to register and vote. Every man in this country is a peer [and] has equal right before the law.

When the time coes [sic]m when the few must [dictate] the rights of the many the Thomas Jfferson [sic] shall have lived in vain. He says that true government derives its power from the governed.

What is There to Fear?

The Democratic papers are urging the “Red Shirts” to put themselves in evidence from now on to election day. They have talked freely of forcing their way to election, and to those who are not familiar with the people of this city they get the impression that there is danger of bloodshed and riot. We say now as we have said: that there is no danger of this sort of thing. We have heard it reported that several rifles have been brought into this city to be used as a last resort for carrying the election. We doubt that any such thought has entered the mind of any honorable man from first to last. In the first place we ask all seriousness who is there among the whole number that would make of himself a murderer for the sake of carrying an election, which if it goes either way, must give white men office? And if there were those willing to shoot or kill, surely they would stop long enough to think who it is that they would thus murder! If Wilmington was the half civilized town some try to make it appear, there might indeed be danger, but such is not the case. We have here a class of people who delight in law and order, who will not lend aid to any act of violence and they are the ones who very largely control the masses.

The wealthy and intelligent men of this community are not the ones whom we may expect to engage in this business of disorder and bloodshed: then who will engage in it? Surely not the poorer class of white people who live either next door to colpred [sic] families or at least in the immediate neighborhood? These can’t be exqected to engage in this hellish pastime at the instance of men who would incite them to riot in order that they, the office seekers, may be benefitted? No, oh no! Men are not led up to the commission of gross crime simply for the gratification of some one’s else [sic] ambitions. They are even now counting up the cost of such a step, and it will be seen that, dispite [sic] the howl that is being made, and the threats that fill the papers, sober, common sense will prevail and men who have lived in peace and happiness together as citizens, though differing very materially socially and racially, will continue their friendly associations to the end of the chapter.

If the suggestions given out by the hostile papers were followed up, who can fathom the depths to which this fair community would be plunged? Make this matter a personal question! Ask yourself: “What have I against my neighbor that I would seek to destroy his life or happiness?” Sober, honorable white people in this city, are not at all responsible for these threats, and happily they constitute the large majority of white citizens. The danger is as great to them as it is to ourselves, for they know that if lawlessness ever begins, is will never stop at the point at which it is aimed, but like an avalanche will sweep ALL before it; and like “Caesar’s Column”, after they have destroyed the enemy they will then destroy themselves in their wild intoxication,

Rest assured that the conservative [men will preserve order]

A Story from Madrid

London, Oct 20. -The Madrid correspondent of the times says:

“Captain Aunon, the minister of marine, has received a dispatch from Manila, announcing a naval engagement between the Americans and the rebel, in consequence of Admiral Dewey forbidding the latter to fly the rebel flag from their ships. The dispatch adds that there were losses on both sides, but that the Americans captured the rebel ships.

The scene of the engagement is not stated, but it is supposed to have been in Manila Bay.”

Russia in China

London, Oct 20.

A dispatch from Shanghai to a London news agency says:

“A Russian regiment occupied the town of New Chwang, (province of Liao Tong) and the rorts [sic] at the mouth of the rive [sic] Liaou on October 15, thus securing complete possession of New Chwang. The native troops fled without making any opposition, under orders from the Empress Dowager and Li Hung Chang.

“A British gunboat was in the river at the time. Its non-resistance is regarded as the virtual abandonment of the whole Manchuria to the Russians and give Russia an invaluable strategic position. Great Britain is certain to lose the New Chwang trade, of which it has had eighty per cent.”

Great Britain and France

London, Oct. 19.

Sir Michael Hicks Beach, chancellor of the exchequer, speaking at North Shields this evening, announced that the government had opened negotiations with the powers with a view of securing to the subjects of the various powers with a view of securing to the subjects of the various powers the “right of developing the respective spheres in which each countuy [sic] is especially interested,”

Regarding to Fashoda question, he said wished cordially to acknowledge the desire evidenced in his speech of Lord Roseberry and Herbert to help in the matter which might develope [sic] into one of the utmost gravity

“It is impossible,” he continued “for France to maintain [she had rights at Fashoda] [She] has naturally and [properly][sic] foo [for-sic] time to receive Major Marchand,s [sic] report; but until the contrary is proved, I decline to believe that France will refuse to withdraw. If she refuses, the matter would assum [sic] an aspect as grve [sic] as is possible between two great nations.

“The government is animated by the friendliest spirit toward France and does not wish to inflict humiliation. What we desire is fair treatment. Our work in Egypt is not completed. Africa is big enough for us both–for France in the west and ourselves in the East. Surely we ought to be able to agree to respect one another’s rights and claims. I hope, trust, and believe, that the question is capable of a friendly solution; but this country has put her foot down. If unhappiy [sic], another view would be taken by France, the Queen’s ministers know what their duty demands.

“It would be a great calamity, if, after peace for upward of eighty years our friendly relations should be disturbed and we should be launched into a great war, but there are greater events than war and we shall not shrink from anything that is coming, knowing that we are supported by a united people.”

Paric’[sic] Oct. 19.

In spite of Semi-official denials the Echo de Paris asserts today that the embarkation of war material and supplies continue at Toulon, adding that extraordinary activity reigns at the arsenal there. Besides the iron-clads. The cruisers Alger, Levrier and Caiman it is claimed, are getting ready for service, embarking ammunition and war material. In addition, it is further asserted, the transports Bien Hoa and Oirone are almost ready for sea.

All the French naval officers on leave of absence have been ordered to return to their vessels,

A dispatch from Toulon confirms the report of the Echo De Paris, and says the greatest activity prevails in the navy yard, where work is proceeding with feverish speed, day and night.

Washington, Oct. 10.

As far as could be assertained [sic] no information regarding the reported naval engagement has been received at the Navy Department nor has General Otis, comanding [sic] the United States troops at Manila, made any reference to it any communications he may have sent to the War Department. The dispatch created considerable interest in Washington.

Recently these newspapers contained a statement that Admiral Dewey had dispatched one or two of his ships to another portion of the Philippine group on a mission of some importance and the suggestion is made unofficially that it may have been these vessel which have been engaged in combat with the insurgents.

The Negro Question

Louisville, Oct. 19.

The Grand Lodge of Kentucky Masons, at its session today, unamimously [sic] adopted the resolutions reported by its special committee which recommends [illegible] non between the Grand [illegible] State and the Grand [illegible] because of [illegible]. The motion to [illegible] seconded by fifty Master [illegible].

It [illegible] decided to build a home for aged [illegible] Masons.


The following resolutions were presented yesterday for publication:

Whereas: Since it has become appearant [sic] that there is a disposition to intimidate the voting element of our race by discharging them from various places of employment in the event that they register to vote, and

Whereas: It has come to the notice of us, the colored ladies–the laboring class that certain of our men have refused to register because of the intimidation mentioned above, we have therefore

Resolved: That every negro who refuses to register his name next Saturday that he may vote, we shall make it our business to deal with him in a way that will not be pleasant. He shall be branded a white livered coward who would sell his liberty and the liberty of our whole race to the demons who are even now seeking to take away the most sacred rights vouchsafed to any people. We are further

Resolved: That we teach our daughters to recognize only those young men who have the courage and manhood to stand up for the liberty which under God he now has, be he ever so poor. We are further

Resolved: to lend our assistance in every way to perpetuate the liberties which we now enjoy, regardless of the insults and threats thrown at us by those who seek to crush us. We have Resolved: to teach our children to love the party of manhood’s rights and liberties, trusting in god to restore order out of the present confusion. Be it

Resolved Further: That we have these Resolutions published in Our DAILY RECORD, the one medium that has stood up for our rights when others have forsaken us.

Respectfully submitted, An Organization of Colored Ladies

Holding the Fort and Invite Attacks

Paris, Oct. 19.

The Spanish peace commission at the was unable to meet the United States peace commission at the joint session arranged for today and the next meeting of the two commissioners has been fixed for Friday next.

Judge Day, president of the American commission [sic], received a communication this morning from Senor Montero Rios, president of the Spanish commission, saying that advices expected but not received from Madrid made it necesay [sic] for himself and his colleagues to request a postponement of any further conferences until Friday next. A courteous reply was returned by Secretary Moore, in behalf of the American commissioners, granting an extension of the time of the ndxt [sic] meeting as requested. The assigned reason for today’s request for delay is believed to have been to allow an interchange of communications with Madrid and to formulate a final attitude on the Cuban matter. The attitude of the Spaniards, to be developed on Friday, will be watched with no little interest. Their alternatives are few, but pregnant. They may accede to the American attitud [sic] themselves assume the Cuban debt, and go forward to consider the next protocol point of Porto Rico and the choice by the United States of an island in the Ladrones group; or they may at this juncture formally ask for arbitration or as an extremity whish [sic] is not likely, may retir [sic] from further negotiations.

The Americans yesterday held a brief session, having no reference to the negotiations, and the brevity of these meetings and other indication warrant the deduction that the American attitude is well formed and that the commission is thoroughly advised on all the points and features which it is possible to foresee in subsequent conferences.

The amount of information acquired by the Americans since their arrival here is large. They have examined old residents of the Philippine islands and the information and testimony from this and other sources is valuable.

A distinguished Roman Catholic churchman, from New Orleans, is now in this city for connection, it is said, with the interests of the Roman Catholic Church in Cuba.

The holders of Spansih [sic] securities have not been inactive, and it is not unlikely that the [American] commission has been called upon to comsider a written presentment of figures, facts and pleadings in behalf of these interests.

Were it not that the spirit and attitude of the American commision [sic] are so dignified, it might be said that they are now holding the fort and invite attacks. Their personality and procedure, however, here is such as to make it fair to say that, while not courting attack, they fear none.

News Items

The gunboat Wilmington left yesterday for Charleston, S.C., where she is to take part in a peace jubilee celebration,

The secretary of war has received the following telegram from Governor Clough, of Minnesota; “I agree with General Bacon that the Indian war is at an end.”

The Hannibal and Hornet were placed out of commission at Norfolk Tuesday and the monitors Puritan and Terror were laid in reserve at the same place yesterday.

By order of the War Department, Major General Francis V. Greene, who has been assigned to the Seventh Army Corps, will have command of the corps during the absence of Gen. Lee.

A letter has reached Vancouver, BC., from St. Michaels, saying that the balloonists sent out to search for Andres were there. They have given up their balloon trip and staked twenty-five claims.

Newspapers received at Vancouver, B.C.. by the steamer Empress of Japan. From Hong Kong and Yokohama, publish the amazing statement that Li Hung Chang and the dowager Empress of China have been secretly married.

Six troops of the sixth cavalry, after the peace jubilee ceremonies in Philadelphia, will proceed to Augusta, G.A., for duty with the Second Army Corps. This will be the first movement of troops from camp Meade to Southern camps.

As to Intimidate

Having learned that there [illegible] disposition on the part of some employers to intimidate their employees by telling them their places will be taken from them in the event of their registering to vote, we take occasion to refer them to these sections of the Election Law:

“Sec. 41. That any person who shall discharge from employment, withdraw patronage from, or otherwise injure, threaten, or oppress, or attempt to intimidate, any qulified [sic] voter of this State because of the votes such voter may or may not cast in any election, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.”

“Sec.. That any person who shall, at any time before or after an election, either directly or indirectly, give or promise to give any money, property or reward, to any elector or to any county or district in order to be elected, or to procure any other person to be elected a member to the general assembly, or to any official under the laws of the State, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and any person who shall receive or agree to receive any such bribe, shall also be guilty of a misdemeanor.”

Every voter who has not registered [should do …]. There is no crime in maintaining your rights as free men and no powers of intimidation should deter any one from doing his whole duty.

Turkish troops, with arms and baggage, haqe [sic] started from Canea for Suda bay. where they will ship for Turkey. Merceant [sic]ships in the harbor have on board many families of officers and officials who are returning to Constantinople.

60 MEN WANTED At Fort Caswell to work on a new battery. Full 12 months work. 10 cents per hour paid. Board can be obtained at $5 per month. For full particulars inquire of George Wright 509 Castle street.

LOST– Thursday, A Gold Chain on McRae Street between Campbell and Redcross, or on Redcross between McRae and Seventh, or on Seventh between Redcross and Walnut streets. The finder will be rewarded by leaving same at THE RECORD office or at the residence of Mrs. Lucy Miller 516 McRae street.

Mr. E L. Bentley will open a Night School Southwest corner of Ninth and Castle Streets; Tuesday night Oct. 18. Tuition 35 cents per month. Ttrictly [sic] in advance. Oc 15 1w

Weather Forecast


Cloudy and warmer tonight, with rain in western portion; Friday, rain, with cooler in western portion: brisk east to southeast winds


For 36 hours from 8 a.m. to-day: Partly cloudy tonight, with slight rise in temperature; Friday, rain; fresh to brisk easterly winds.

Schooling Outside Schools

Germany’s Bands of Tramp Students Have a Good Time.

A bicycle tour last July brought to our notice a feature of public education in Germany which might wisely be imitated in this country. We arrived one day at Goslar, on the northern edge of the Harz mountains. The proprietor of our hotel was busy preparing for the coming of sixty boys. They arrived the next evening with their knapsacks, on foot, and accompanied by three or four teachers. In the large dining hall, after their bread and beer, brief addresses were made to them and they sang lustily several patriotic and folk songs. They were a lively but orderly company. Next morning they gathered in the public square, near the most ancient historic building in the town. The events of interest which had there transpired were recounted to them, and other songs were sung in praise of the Fatherland. We afterward saw them in various excursions in the neighborhood.

Such companies of students were often met with in the Harz and in the Thuringian forest. We learned that these journeys are an important part of school life. The pupils come sometimes from small villages, sometimes from the larger towns. The proposed route is laid out weeks or even months beforehand. The pupils draw maps of the region through which they are to pass. Its features of geographic, historic, literary and geological

interest are pointed out to them. They are told what they many expect to see and how to see it.

Usually each pupil makes a weekly contribution toward the coast of the trip till the amount needed is secured. Of course strict economy is practiced and the expense is small. Often they sleep in barns or in large halls, covered with straw. They are instructed as to their outfits, and each boy carries what he requires strapped on his shoulders. They divide into several groups—one group marching as leaders, another bringing up the rear, another acting as scouts, and so on. They study botany, natural history, the roads and how they were made, the raising and moving of crops and many other things. They visit the homes where men famous in war, government or literature have lived. They learn poems associated with places. From such a journey, lasting from three days to three weeks, they return to their own communities with many new things of interest to talk about and much valuable information. They write essays on their travels and observations. This outdoor study in Germany is considered important enough to be made the subject of an extended report in an volume just issued by the English education office.

An Eel skin Factory

One of the strangest factories that ever existed, and what is more, pays handsomely for its existence, is situated in a quiet street in the neighborhood of London bridge. Here are prepared and manufactured various articles from the skin of a common place eel.

The skins are manipulated by numerous complicated processes until they resemble and would easily be taken for leather, although of a more gelatinous and pliable nature. This strange commodity is cut into long thin strips and plaited very closely together for whip lashes, and to cover portions of the handles of more expensive whips. Certain kinds of lashes and harness laces are also made of eel skin.

This leather is almost indispensable in articles of this description, where flexibility allied with an uncommon toughness is desired. –Golden Penny

A Coming-out Party—The man whose sentence has expired.

Warned by Rats

Seaman Think It Prudent to Desert Ship when the Rodents Do.

Seven or eight years ago a schooner which had no name was deserted by rats while she lay in Milwaukee. Two of her crew quit immediately. The remaining two stayed on the craft. This schooner was blown ashore at Silver Creek, Lake Erie. The two men were taken off by a life-saving crew.

A more recent case of this kind was that of the steamer Idaho, which went down off Long Point, Lake Erie, last November. This boat put out of Buffalo just ahead of the hardest blow of last season. Once she was regarded as the finest passenger boat on the lakes. On this, her last trip, she was buffeted about for several hours. She pounded by Long Point, eighty miles northwest of Buffalo, and her captain ordered her brought about that she might run under Long Point for shelter. The rush of waves was too much for her. She was caught in the roll of the sea and she gradually filled and sank. Of her crew of twenty-one men, nineteen were drowned. The first mate and a seaman named Gill climbed into the rigging, where they remained thirty-six hours. They were finally taken off by the steamer Mariposa.

It was learned shortly after the wreck that just before the vessel left her moorings, a swarm of rats crawled over the hawsers to the wharf. This was known to part of the crew and four men deserted at the last moment. Their places were filled by two vagabonds who were lounging along the docks. When the old sloop was well out of port and beating hard, the old steward, who was the oldest of his class on the lakes, learned that the rats had left the ship the hour of her departure. He raved because the fact had been kept from him. When the boat bean to roll and plunge and the great waves broke over her, old Laly, the steward, got down on his knees and prayed. He was the first to be washed overboard.

The captain of a sailing vessel was asked recently why he and other lakemen placed so much confidence in the movements of rats.

“Because it has been shown that rats are an unfailing sign,” he said. “It has been proved a hundred times. There are a whole lot of things in this world that we don’t know anything about. Why isn’t it sensible to believe that God designated rats as messengers to warn navigators of danger? Rats live in the very fibres of a ship. They see what we can’t see. When the timbers are hollowed and the seams open, these little animals know that the ship is unsafe and they desert it. Knowledge of some kind was probably settled on them by one of the powers of which we know absolutely nothing.”

The Age of American Generals

Although General Miles is a younger man than most of the general officers in the service at this time, he is much older than any of his men who commanded in the Civil War. He is fifty-eight, while, Shafter is sixty-two, Merritt sixty-one, Brooke sixty, Wheeler sixty-two, Lee sixty-two, Otis sixty, Hawkins sixty-three. In fact, there is not even a brigadier of note except Wood who is under fifty years of age. At the outbreak of the civil war, on the other hand, not one of the men who were to gain distinction in it was fifty. Grant in 1861 was only thirty-nine, Sherman was forty-one, Sheridan thirty, Schofield thirty, Hancock thirty-seven, Custer twenty-two, Mead forty-six, Hooker forty-seven, Thomas forty-five, Kearny forty-six, Kilpatrick twenty-five, Pleasonton thirty-seven, Rosecrans forty-two, Palmer forty-four, Logan thirty-five, Howard thirty-one, Buell forty-three, Slocum thirty-four, Burnside thirty-seven, Banks forty-five, Butler forty-three, and General Miles himself was only twenty-two.

On the Confederate side Lee and Joseph E. and Albert Sidney Johnston had passed fifty the former being fifty-four and the latter fifty-four and fifty-eight, respectively, but Longstreet was forty, Beauregard forty-three, Hampton forty-three, Bragg forty-six, Forrest forty, Stonewall Jackson thirty-seven, A.P. Hill thirty-six, J.E.B. Stuart twenty-eight, Hood thirty and Joseph Wheeler was twenty-five. Among the generals of the union even he who came to be known as “old Halleck” was only forty-six when the war broke out.–Boston Globe

The Tropical Beauty of Porto Rico

Edwin Emerson, Jr, A war correspondent, contributes an article entitled, “Alone in Porto Rico” to the Century. Mr. Emerson thus describes one of his rides in the interior of the island:

A cool sea-breeze blew up from the coast, and stirred up the fragrance of the tropical foliage covering the hills on either side of the road. Bright humming birds darted about, and from the woods came the incessant cooling of the mountain dove, the paloma, relieved occasionally by the song of warbling vireos. My heart sang with them as I rode, and I felt altogether too well to worry about the fate hanging over my friend at Ponce, nor did I bother to think of my own uncertain destiny. All round me hirtella-bushes were flowering crimson, and the stately sabino-tree, with its immense white flowers and silvery leaves, perfumed the soft air. It seemed to me as if I had found the loveliest spot on earth.

Automated alarm for mines

A Prussian inventor has patented an automatic alarm apparatus to indicate the presence of a firedamp in mines, a large metal funnel being placed over the coal, with counterpoised aluminum plate at the top, which is lifted by the light gas and completes an electric current.

Buckwheat in Orchards.

Perhaps as good a crop as any to grow in the orchard is buckwheat. Its seed is so cheap, and the mulch its growth makes it so effective, that it more than offsets the poverty of buckwheat in fertilizing material. Where buckwheat is sown in orchards, the land will be made extremely light and moist, especially if the last crop of buckwheat in the season is plowed under. The only drawback to this is that growing buckwheat leaves the soil bare, and in a severe winter frost may penetrate deeply enough to injure the roots of fruit trees. The peach tree is especially apt to be injured by winter freezing of the soil near the tree.

Fall Planting of Fruit Trees

The majority of fruit trees can be set out in the fall with good results. After the summer’s work is done the soil intended for the orchard should be put in the best possible condition for trees by careful and thorough plowing, harrowing, fertilizing, and if necessary draining. Every hour spent in preparation of the soil before the trees are set with [contribute] more toward future [ ] of the orchard. In the selection of varieties the planter should be largely guided by successes of other planters on similar soils in the same climate, as well as on the demands on the market that he intends to supply. As a rule, it is not safe to set largely of new varieties unless they have been tested under conditions similar to those surrounding you and found valuable.

As an illustration of the loss that may follow from setting largely of new sorts of any kind of fruit without a test, there have been tested at Edgewood, N.J., during the past five years, under field culture, over sixty new varieties of strawberries, all of them highly landed

A Fruit-Gathering Box

The ordinary basket is not a convenient receptacle into which to pick fruit from a ladder. Too little of the opening is presented between the rounds owing to the round form of the basket’s top. The round form also keeps the basket from being stable, as it is constantly swinging about on the one hook supporting it. A fruit gathering box is shown in the cut which obviates both of these defects. Its handle is made from a flat hoop soaked in water and bent into the proper shape. This handle can be supported by two hooks, keeping the box very firm. With a box the full opening from one side or another afforded for putting in fruit. If the box is carefully lined with a double thickness of burlap there will be less likelihood of bruising the fruit, even in the smallest degree. –New York Tribune.

Care of Milk In Autumn

I have seen a great deal of good milk spoiled in the fall because of the dairy rooms in which it was kept over night were closed as soon as the milk was set away at evening Shutting off ventilation now, while it will not spoil the milk as quickly as in hot weather, results in the impairment of its quality. Milk designed for the cheese or creamery is better left outside in the free cool air, than in any building where the circulation is shut off or is imperfect. A great deal of second grade butter and cheese of autumn manufacture is due to the tendency of dairymen to leave the milk cans in the barn at night as soon as frosty weather appears.

Milk kept on the farm for twelve hours before delivery should be aerated as thoroughly now as in July. It is not a high temperature that always play havoc with it, but the retained heat when it stands in bulk. This danger can be obviated by making the summer care of milk a criterion for the whole year.

On the cheese factory patron who delivers milk once a day, an important responsibility rests. The reputation of the factory is largely in his hands, and also the amount of his own dairy returns. He is only earning money for his own pocket by taking the most scrupulous care of his milk. First, being aerated, if it stands in the delivery can over night, the cream should be separated from the edges of the vessel in the morning and gently reincorporated with the milk. Morning’s milk should not be mixed with the night, but should be carried to the factory in a separate can. Whey, whether sour or sweet, should not be carried from the factory to the farm in cans that have just conveyed the milk.

Dairymen who patronize creameries should observe just as much caution in not using their milk cans for swill barrels. If the skimmed milk was always stored in a clean receptacle at the creamery the case would be different, but like the whey vat at the cheese factory it is more often filthy. The only safe and proper way is to keep milk cans and milk utensils generally for nothing but milk. I [ ]oin thus earnestly about the fall care of milk, because, through a lack of vigilance, due to the advent of cool weather, I have as a manufacturer encountered a vast amount of unnecessary poor milk in autumn.

–George E. Newell, in New England Homestead.

Low Grade Fertilizers

In buying fertilizers it is always good policy to get the best that can be had rather than to pay a lower price for what is so deficient that it can be sold at that price with a profit. The cheaper fertilizer, as it is called, consists very largely of material that has no value whatever, and of course all the labor required to apply it is wasted, and so also is that needed to transport the worthless material from the fertilizer factory to the farm. If the mineral fertilizer is too concentrated to be applied economically, what inert material it required to make greater bulk can be better applied on the farm than anywhere else.

But to say that the highest priced fertilizer is always best for every crop would be a great mistake. The dearest of all kinds of fertilizers, available nitrogen, is not adopted to some crops, even in small amounts, and if used might do injury rather than good. Of the minerals, phosphate is next dearest, and potash close following it. If the crop needs either or both of these, economy is to be found in getting each in as concentrated form as possible. The lowest grade, cheap phosphate, that has a little of each ingredient in it, is usually a delusion. It is sure to run mostly to the least expensive material whether these are [ ] , and to have too little of [ ] expensive ingredients to do [ ]

When fertilizers are to be mixed for the purpose of making them go farther, it is important that what is used as a divisor shall not be something that will neutralize the mineral or at least make it insoluble. This most often done in mixing superphosphate with land plaster, which is sulphate of lime. The result of this is that the excess of lime converts still more of the lime into a sulphate, and greatly lessens the effect of the phosphate. If the season after be dry, so as to have little fermentation in the soil, the phosphate will revert to an entirely insoluble condition. No more lime in any form should be applied to land where superphosphate has been used. It’s only effect is to undo what the sulphuric acid has done to make the phosphate available.

If nitrogenous manure is needed with potash or phosphate, it can be best used in the form of poultry excrement that has been thoroughly fermented and sifted. Only a small proportion of the hen manure should be mixed with the fertilizer, as it will make it too light to go well through the drill tubes. But it will make whatever it is applied to grow rapidly, and it will also greatly increase the effectiveness of any mineral fertilizer that is applied with it. –American Agriculturist.

Farm and Garden Notes.

If your stock does not have access to running water see to it that their [ ]k is kept full.

[text illegible] growing heifer must be supplied with a ration that is suitable to the needs of each.

Never give the cows reason to let up on their milk-giving for a single day, and then they will always be at their best.

Corn contains nearly sixty-three per cent of starch and oats about forty-five per cent. Having more than protein that corn and less starch, oats are therefore more suitable for horses.

Scab in the heads of wheat cannot be controlled when it once appears in the field. The only way to avoid it seems to be by sowing early varieties, the work being done as early as possible and followed by thorough cultivation.

“Make hay while the sun shines and plow while ‘tis cool,” is an old saying that should be observed. If the cultivator is kept going while the dew is on the grass in the mornings and no grass cut until it is dry, it is much easier to cure it evenly and make a good quality of hay.

Beauty is Blood Deep.

Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathartic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy river and driving all impurities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, –beauty for ten cents. All druggists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c.

In Russia the proportionate number of births is nearly doubled that of France.

To cure a cold in one day take laxative Bromo Quinine tablets. All druggist refund money if it fails to cure. 25c.

In the hotels was built in China for the use of foreigners, the highest stories are the most expensive because the breeziest.

Don’t tobacco spit in smoke your life away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be magnetic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes we commend strong. All druggists, 50 or $1. Cure guaranteed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York.

Only 37% of the inhabitants of Berlin are Germans by birth.

For whooping cough Piso’s Cure is the successful remedy. –M.P. Dieter. 67, Troop Ave., Brooklyn., N.Y. Nov. 14, 1894.

Berlin has an ambulance cycle. So. 41

Fall medicine

is fully as important and beneficial as spring medicine. Hoods Sarsaparilla is just the medicine to keep the blood rich and pure, create an appetite, give good digestion and tone and strength the great vital organs. It wards off malaria, fevers and other forms of illness which so readily overcome a week and debilitated system.

Hood’s Sarsaparilla

Is America’s Greatest Medicine.

Hood’s pills cure indigestion. 25 cents.


Ear ache is such a common symptom especially in children, that domestic remedies are often used until the disease demands the advice of a specialist. By that time often great harm has been done, and perhaps serious consequences have resulted.

Dr. F. W. Hinkle calls attention to the grave significance of earache and the importance of early treatment. Earache in children may be the first indication of approaching meningitis.

An earache should not be passed over with a superficial examination, but the child should be given hot foot baths and put to bed. The bowels should be freely acted on. Hot, dry applications are better than moist ones. It is better not to install solutions of laudanum, morphia or cocaine into the ear. Opioids, too, often mask the pain and conceal the real trouble. Delays are dangerous, and in case of approaching rupture the tympanum should be freely incised. No physician should ever hesitate to call in an aurist when in doubt.

-New York Ledger

An operation avoided.

Mrs. Rosa Gaum writes to Mrs. Pinkham About it. She Says:

Dear Mrs. Pinkham: – I take pleasure in writing you a few lines to inform you of the good your Vegetable Compound has done me. I cannot thank you enough for what your medicine has done for me; it has, indeed, helped me wonderfully. For years I was troubled with an ovarian tumor, each year growing worse, until at last I was compelled to consult with a physician.

He said nothing could be done for me but to go under an operation.

In speaking with a friend of mine about it, she recommended Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, saying she knew it would cure me. I then sent for your medicine, and after taking three bottles of it, the tumor disappeared. Oh! You do not know how much good our medicine has done me. I shall recommend it to all suffering women. –Mrs. Rosa Gaum, 720 Wall St., Los Angeles, Cal.

The great and unvarying success of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound in relieving every derangement of the female organs, demonstrates it to be the modern safeguard of woman’s happiness and bodily strength. More than a million women have been benefited [sic]by it.

Every woman who needs advice about her health is invited to write to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass.


“A tape worm eighteen feet long at least came on the scene after my taking two CASCARETS. This I am sure has caused my bad health for the past three years. I am still taking Cascarets, the only cathartic worthy of notice by sensible people” –GEO. W. BOWLS, Baird, Mass



Trade mark registered

Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Good, Do Good, Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe 10c, 25c, 50c.


Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago, Montreal, New York. 313


sold and guaranteed by all druggists to CURE tobacco habit.

THE Best BOOK on the WAR

Beautifully bound and sumptuously illustrated (price $2), free to anybody sendingtwo annual subscriptions at $1 each to the Overland Monthly, SAN FRANCISCO. Sample Overland 5c.


What do they believe?Tracts & papers sent free on application to Secretary Women’s Alliance, 59 Kay St., Newport, R.I.

Teachers Wanted—Assts. Grade, Pub. & Private [illegible] Agencies, Washington, D.C.


Failure of another effort to introduce the Spanish sport.

Gonzales, the toreador, is making a tour in the French provinces with a choice collection of Landes bulls. He brought six out at the cycle rink of St.Dizier, which was nicely arranged as an arena. In the last course, an old bull, El Januto, was to be baited and seemingly killed. An old, blindfolded horse was dragged in, and it flanks presented to the horns of El Januto. The public at this peace if cruelty grew riotous, and insisted on the horse being removed. It was taken off with its intestines hanging about. The crowd, blaming the bull instead of the toreador and his cudrilla, insisted on that animal being killed. Gonzales did not like to lose his bull, and tried to pacify the public, but he had to avenge the wrongs of the horse. Armed with a sword he stabbed the beast in the loins, driving the weapon in to the hilt. He then tried five times to give the coup de grace with a triangular Spanish dagger. Each time the blood spurted beyond the barrier of the arena. A number of men tore up seats to cast at Gonzales. Others vaulted over the barrier to thrash him. The intervention of the gendarmes enabled him to get quietly away.

During the last forty-five years attempts have been made to introduce the Spanish bullfights into France. The earliest that [text illegible] was in the year following the late emperor’s marriage. Arrangements were made for a grand corrida at Bayonne, and there was talk of performances under high auspices in a Paris circus. But the bulls and bullfighters could not get further north than the Adour, such was the revolt of public feeling against them. To help farward [sic] the last Universal Exhibition, a concession was granted for a bullfighting arena in the Rue Pergolese. Nothing was wanted to give it Spanish color– not even caravans of gypsies. But the horses with trailing bowels, the baiting of bulls weary of being baited, the ferocious excitement of the Spanish spectators, caused the deepest disgust. A French public was actually hired to keep up the confidence of shareholders in the enterprise, which soon wound up in bankruptcy. The late Max Lebaudy, having bribed journals and got around the Town Council of Maisons-Lafitte, thought to neutralize the corrida. there. He fetched all of his bulls and bullfighters from Spain and hired a good claque, but the sights the arena presented were thought too horrible to be associated with festivity.

Popular science.

Professor Bilslik says: “in fifty-four cases out of one hundred the left leg is stronger than the right.”

Why the owl looks wise is because his eyes are fixed immovably in their sockets, and so when he looks from one object to another he must move his head.

The rare element, gallium which was discovered in 1875 in rock from the Pyrenees Mountains, and which takes its name from Gallia, the old Roman appellation for France has recently been added to the list of substances occurring in the sun. Professor Hartley and Mr. Ramage, of Dublin, Ireland, have recognized its spectral lines in sunlight.

The German Government has recently opened a new observatory at Heidelberg, situated on the Konigstuhl, a high hill overlooking the town. The new observatory belongs to the State, and has no connection with the university, although opportunities will be afforded to sutdents and investigators to carry on special studies and researches.

According to the Public Health Journal mosquitoes cannot abide the touch of permanganate of potash. It is instantly fatal to the insects in all their stages of development. A handful, it is averred, will kill all the mosquito embryos on a ten-acre swamp. It is recommended to scatter a few crystals of permanganate widely through marshes in which mosquitoes abound.

The results of recent study of tuberculosis by F. Ramon and P. Ravant were lately communicated to the Paris Biological Society. The investigators have cultivated the bacilli of the tuberculosis of fishes, in bouillon containing glucose and glycerine, and in preparing the cultures they obtained a toxin which in a number of ways exactly resembles the tuberculin derived from the bacillus of tuberculosis occurring in the human subject.

Dewey’s 10,000 Prize

The decision of the judge advocate general of the navy that Admiral Dewey’s squadron was superior to the Spanish squadron in Manila bay, and

that therefore the bounties for each man on the enemy’s vessel shall be $100 per man, instead of $200, which it would have been if the American ships had been the inferior, means that about $200,000 of bounty money will be divided among Admiral Dewey, his officers and men. Admiral Dewey will receive one-twentieth, or $10,000, and will be the largest beneficiary. But he and every man in the fleet will have earned his money. – Leslie’s Weekly.

When Knives Are Separated.

To reunite knife blades and handles powder some rosin and fill the hollow in the handle from which the blade came with some of the powder. Make the base of the blade, which is usually

in the form of a long, thin strip of metal, very hot, thrust it into the handle and hold firmly for a few minutes. When quite cool, the blade will be permanently fixed.

Royal Insanity

There have been twenty-seven cases of insanity in the Bavarian royal family during the last 100 years.

The best witness to the influence of Gladstone was the passage of the Irish local government bill by the British Parliament without so much as a passage of arms in debate. This measure does not create a new parliament in Dublin, but it transfers power over all local affairs in town and county from the landowners to the tenants. It is not Gladstonian home rule, but it is a close approach to it. This important measure did not excite opposition from any quarter of the house. Conservatives, Liberals, Radicals, Nationalists and north-of-Ireland Protestants welcomes it and helped it along. No speeches were made against it in the commons. The business of the house was not blocked by obstructionists. Good nature prevailed whenever this question was discussed. There was an era of good feeling, after many years of political warfare. The explanation of this remarkable cessation from bitterness and excitement is found in the influence exercised by the great statesman, whose grave is in Westminster Abbey. He failed in his final work of establishing a home rule parliament but he succeeded in reconciling England and Ireland. The Unionists who had defeated home rule, were compelled to justify their course by producing the largest measure of local self-government and by enabling the Irish tenants to rule the island.

The Irish factions, which had quarreled over every other important reform measure for the island for a generation, laid aside their arms and accepted this scheme of local government as a treaty of peace. There was good feeling because opposition to this measure had been disarmed by a great statesman’s sacrifices, generosity and labors. For the first time in a quarter-century there was a session of the British parliament devoted almost exclusively to Irish questions, without a single angry word, and without scenes of organized obstruction. A bill as intricate as the church disestablishment and land acts as the home rule clause, was enacted as quietly and as peaceably as though there had never been any bad feeling between England and Ireland. To those students who have followed the recent political history of Great Britain, this seems little less than a miracle. It is the crowning memorial to a great life. The Irish local government act passed without resistance or criticism because rival races were at peace.

A Queer Calling.

To-day, even the emotions have a value in the money market. There are in London professional sympathizers who soothe and comfort the bereaved in return for pelf, performing the service for which they are engaged in so tactful a way that they soon become indispensable to their employers. One of the most prosperous of their sympathizers is a lady of unusual characteristics She is a charming conversationalist, has a useful knowledge of medicine, and possesses a marvelous power of sympathy, which fairly fascinates those upon whom it is exercised. By these methods, combined with innate tact, she has contrived to secure the patronage of several wealthy ladies, upon whose bounty she thrives amazingly, giving them in exchange timely supplies of the suave and magnetic solace for which she is so remarkable.

A Domestic Incident.

From the Observer Flushing, Mich.

“Early in November, 1894,” says Frank Long, who lives near Lennon, Mich., “on starting to get up from the dinner table, I was taken with a pain in my back. The pain increased and I was obliged to take to my bed. The physician who was summoned pronounced my case muscular rheumatism accompanied by lumbago. He gave me remedies and injected morphine into my arm to cure the pain.

“My disease gradually became worse until I thought that death would be welcome release from my sufferings. Besides my regular physician I also consulted another, but he gave me no encouragement.

On Getting Up From the Table

“I was finally induced through reading some accounts in the newspapers regarding the wonderful cures wrought by Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People, to try them. I took the pills according to the directions and soon began to notice an improvement in my condition. Before the first box was used I could get about the house, and after using five boxes was entirely cured.

“Since that time I have felt no return of the rheumatic pains. I am confident that Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills saved my life and I try to induce my friends who are sick to try the same remedy. I will gladly answer inquiries concerning my sickness and wonderful cure, provided stamp is enclosed for reply.

Sworn to before me at Venice, Mich., this 15th day of April, 1898.

G.B. GOLDSMITH, Justice of the Peace.

At Holycoke, Mass., Conner Bros. are running both their shoddy mills night and day.

Educate Your Bowels With Cascaretes.

Candy Cathartic, cure constipating forever.

10c. 25c. If C. C. C. fail. druggists refund money.

The British empire embraces 10,000 islands.

Fits permanently cured. No fits or nervousness after first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer. $2 trial bottle and treatise free

DR. R. H. KLINE, Ltd., 931 Arch St. Phila. Pa

No medicine ever introduced to the Profession and Public has given such universal satisfaction or preserved so many lives as DR. MOFFET’ S TEETHINA. [TEETHING POWDERS]. Druggists tell us that the rapid increase in its sale is marvelous. TEETHINA Aids Digestion, Regulates the Bowels, and makes teething easy.

When a man fails in business and is unable to pay his bills, it is important that there should be some law under which the persons to whom he owes money may receive each his fair share of whatever property may be applied toward the settlement of his debts. It is quite as important, if the failure has been an honest one, that the debtor, after he has done everything he can to pay his debts, should be relieved from further responsibility for them, and should be able to start again. The new bankruptcy law, which Congress has recently enacted, is intended to accomplish both of these purposes. It has provisions for voluntary bankruptcy, in which the proceedings are begun by the debtor himself, and for involuntary bankruptcy, in which those to whom he owes money takes steps to secure as much as possible of what is due them. We have

been without a national bankruptcy law for twenty years, and for a large part of that time Congress has had some bankruptcy bill under consideration. It has been extremely difficult to reconcile conflicting interests and to frame a measure which should be just to creditors without seeming to bear hardly upon debtors. Yet the need of a national law has become every year more urgent, because the different State laws vary widely in their provisions, and no state law can absolve a man from the payment of debts due to non-residents. The new law has the advantage of being extremely simple and inexpensive in its machinery. The most striking feature of the law is the new definition of insolvency on which it is based. Hitherto a man has been insolvent who could not pay his debts when they were due. But under this law a man is not insolvent unless his entire property, at a fair valuation, is insufficient to meet his debts. This helps the debtor, by reckoning to his credit all property which, even though he cannot turn it immediately into cash, has actual value. The law exempts farmers and wage-earners from proceedings in involuntary bankruptcy. It recognizes only two offenses, one perjury, and the other the concealment of property from a trustee. Only when one of these crimes has been committed, or fraudulent books have been kept, can a debtor be refused a discharge from his debts. The law makes void all fictitious sales or transfers of property to get it out of the way of creditors; and it does not allow a debtor to “prefer” creditors, that is, to turn his property over to certain creditors to the exclusion of others. The tendency of a good national bankruptcy law, which gives an honest debtor release from debts which he cannot pay, and distributes assets fairly among creditors, is to diminish the risks of business and to strengthen credit. Much is hoped for from the new law in these directions.

Yuma Convicts Need No Guard.

The anomalous spectacle of a large gang of penitentiary convicts working in the open with no officers or armed force to guard them is presented every day at Yuma, Ari. They are camped on the Colorado river, a little above Yuma, to be exact, and they are engaged in cutting wood for the territory. None of them escapes. None tries to escape. Why do they stay? Because each man guards the other. Each man is a “short-termer,” none of them having more than a year yet to serve. All are allowed a rebate for the work they do. When a convict has cut two cores of woods he has earned a day’s rebate on his term. But should one escape all lose rebates. Thus each man becomes his brother’s keeper..—San Francisco Call.

The cost of actual war is great, but the cost of maintaining preparations for war in a time of peace is no small item. A British cruiser which had just returned from a peaceful cruise of two

and a half years has spent in that time more than seventy-five thousand dollars for coal. Multiply that amount by two or three hundred, and the coal bill of a great navy will be realized.



The excellence of syrup of figsis due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but alsoto the care and skill with which it ismanufactured by scientific processes

known to the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will

assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other parties. The high standing of the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP Co. with the medical profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makesthe name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives,

as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weakening them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of

the Company–





Choose for Yourself.

We usually advertise a specimen bargain from one of our catalogues, but we don’t do so in this advertisement because we’re perplexed. Our furniture catalogue consists of 160 pages, every page filled with bargains. Now how are we to select one? We say to you, if there’s anything on earth in the furniture or carpet line that you want, you’ll find it in our catalogues at least 40 per cent. Cheaper than you can buy it anywhere else.

Would we spend our money advertising our furniture and carpet catalogues (they’re absolutely free, not even a stamp necessary) if they weren’t worth having? Not much. If you get these catalogues you’ll see for yourself what an enormous amount you can save by buying from mill owners and furniture manufacturers like we are.

That carpet catalogue that we are so anxious you should have, is the finest thing an artist ever designed, and you can select carpet from it just as though you were in the sample room of one of our mills, because it is lithographed in ten colors from hand painted plates.

We couldn’t exaggerate the value of our furniture cataloge [sic] if we tried. Just think of 160 large pages devoted to furniture, and every page filled with bargains. Will you be a friend to yourself? Will you write for those catalogues at once? Address (exactly as below.)


Dept. 310 Baltimore, Md.

Muzzling for Babies.

The muzzling farce is nearly played out; when a department is reduced to publishing statistics so worthless and inconclusive as those presented to Parliament by Mr. long, the cause it advocates must be in a bad way. He claims by his muzzling order to have reduced rabies taking the first half year, from 413 cases in 1895, to 12 in 1898, but he neglects to state that the method of diagnosing rabies has been radically changed in the interval. A certificate from a veterinary surgeon on the basis of an examination of the dead body was held to be sufficient in the former group of cases; later on this was found to be worthless, and [text ends here]

Deafness Cannot Be Cured

by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of his ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces.

We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free.

F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.

Sold by Druggists, 75c.

Hall’s Family Pills are the best.

German universities have 2,350 foreign students

To Cure Constipation Forever,

Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. If C.C.C fail to cure, druggists refund money.

Many Cubans are taking up the cultivation and curing of tobacco in Mexico.

Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children teeting [sic], softens the gums, reducing inflammation, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c. A bottle

Portugal married women retain their nmaiden [sic.] ames [sic.].

No-To-Bac for Fifty Cents.

Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 50c, $1. All druggists.

About 65,000,000 pounds of beet sugar was raised in California last year.

Lyon & Co’s “Pick Leaf Smoking Tobacco

is the best for pipe and hand-made cigarette smoking. Rich, ripe, mellow, fragrant. Beats the world. Try it.

Some Abyssinia elephants are trunkless.







Paris Medicine Co. St. Louis Mo.

Gentlemen– we sold last year, 600 bottles of GROVES TASTELESS CHILL TONIC and have

bought three gross already this year. In all our experience of 14 years in the drug business have never sold an article that gave such universal satisfaction as your Tonic. –Yours truly,

Aeney, Carr & Co.

WELL DRILLING MACHINES of all kinds and sizes, for drilling wells for house, farm, City, and Village Water Works, Factories, Ice Plants, Breweries, Irrigation, Coal, and Mineral Prospecting, Oil and Gas, etc. Latest and Best. 30 years experience. WRITE US WHAT YOU WANT. LOOMIS & NYMAN, Tiffin, Ohio.

**FREE WATCH! **Send your address and we will express 30 fine, long- filler Nickel cigars. When sold, remit us $2.50 and we will mail you, free, a handsome stem wind and set watch, which retails for $2.50 WINSTON CIGAR CO., NO, 95 Main St, Winston, N.C.

If afflicted withsore eyes, use Thompson’s Eye Water

DROPSY NEW DISCOVERY; gives quick relief and cures worst cases. Send for book of testimonials and 10 days’ treatment. Free, Dr. H. H. GREEN’S SONS, Atlanta, Ga.

IN ordering goods or making enquiries of advertisers it will be to your advantage to mention this paper. So. 41

WANTED— Case of bad health that R-I-P-A-N-S will not benefit send 5 cts. to Ripans Chemical Co., New York, for 10 samples and 1000 testimonials.


No Vacations—Positions Guaranteed—Catalogue Free

Send 25 cents in stamps for pocket calculator.


Established 50 Years.

159-163 Bank St. – Norfolk, VA.

Largest Stock in the South!

Low prices quoted on Monuments, Gravestones, Etc. in Marble or Granite, delivered at any Southern point. Write for Illustrated Catalog. No. 12, it is free; and save money.

**A Woman’s Watch. **

– Miss Hilborn-It seems to run very well for a day and a half, and then it will not go at all.” Watchmaker– “ Yes: it should be wound occasionally.”–Jeweler’s Weekly.


Greensboro, N. C.


If you need a saw mill, any size, write me before buying elsewhere. I have the most complete line of mills of any dealer or manufacturer in the South.


Very highest grade Stones, at unusually low prices.


Planers, Moulders, Edgers, Re-Saws, Band Saws, Laths, etc.


Talbott and Liddell

Engleberg Rice Huller in stock, quiet delivery, low prices.

V.C. Badham

No. 1326 Main St., Columbia, S.C.


Next Regular Session Begins Sept. 29, 1898

Thoroughly Practical Courses of Instruction

Leading in the Degree of B.S.


Board, Tuition and Lodging $7 Per Month

Each county entitled to one or more free tuition students. Students my work out a part of their expenses.

A correspondence department has been established in which persons unable to attend school may prosecute their studies at home. Those pursuing courses in this department and passing examination at the summer school session may obtain degree of B. S. or A. B. For further information address



Chickens Earn Money if You Give Them Help

You cannot do this unless you understand them and know how to cater to their requirements; and you cannot spend years and dollars learning by experience, so you must buy the knowledge acquired by others. We offer this to you for only 25 cents.

YOU WANT THEM TO PAY THEIR OWN WAYeven if you merely keep them as a diversion. In order to handle Fowls judiciously, you must know something about them. To meet this want we are selling a book giving the experience of a practical poultry raiser for (Only 25c.

twenty-five years. It was written by a man who put all his mind, and time, and money to making a success of Chicken raising–not as a pastime, but as a business–and if you will profit by his twenty-five year’s work, you can save many Chicks annually, and make your Fowls earn dollars for you. The point is, that you must be able to detect trouble in the Poultry Yard as soon as it appears, and know how to remedy it. This book will teach you.

It tells how to detect and cure disease; to feed for eggs and also for fattening; which fowls to save for breeding purposes; and everything, indeed, you should know on this subject to make it profitable.

Send postpaid for twenty-five cents in stamps.

Book Publishing House

134 LEONARD ST. N. Y. City


Why not use the best machinery and save time and strength. The “Electric” SMALLEY SAWS

enable one man to do the work ten could do in the old way. Our “Electric” Circular Saws and Self-Feed Drag Saws are by far the best general purpose Farm Saws ever made. Send for Descriptive Catalogue and price list of “Smalley’ Saw, Ensilage and Fodder Cutters, Feed Mills,

Corn Shellers, Root Cutters and Horse Powers.

SMALLEY MFC. CO., Manitowoc, Wis.


From the greatest crop ever grown in the South. Three varieties: Fulcaster, a bearded wheat: Red May and Write Clausen, both smooth or beardless. Wheat is now very free from cockle seed and broken grain, being far superior to the usual run of seed wheat. We will, however, reclean the wheat when desired; taking out almost every cockle seed and pieces of broken grain as well as any inferior grain there may be in it. Wheat as it now is price $1.00 per bushel. Recleaned wheat $1.15 per bushel. These prices are both on cars at Charlotte, including sacks. Each sack contains two bushels. Send in your orders at once if you wish to secure the best seed wheat on the market. Terms: Cash with order.

Charlotte Oil & Fertilizer Co.,

or Fred Oliver, CHARLOTTE, N. C.





Lombard Iron Works & Supply Co.,


– Patents –

Procured on cash, or easy instalment [sic].VOWLES & BURNS, Patent Attorneys, 237 Broadway, N. Y.


25 CTS


Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use in time. Sold by druggists.

Loclal[sic] Briefs.

No cases before His Honor Mayor Wright today.

Are you suffering from any sort of malarial attack? Then visit Mr. William Niestlie. He has a lot of preparations for just that purpose.

Visitors to the city are invited to our office.

The schools are filled to their utmost capacity and more scholars are coming in every day.

Senator Butler and Governor Russell are to speak here next Thursday and Senator Pritchard will speak next day.

Mr. Thomas H. Bradley and Mr. J. Edward Crawley, two of the compositors on the Record are laid up for repairs. Mr. Bradley is suffering from a severe cold and throat troubles. Mr. Crawley had his finger painfully mashed while working at the Record press.

Rena Davis got into a little trouble by being rather affectionate while in her cups Tuesday night; walking along South Third street she met a pedestrian, and without moving, took him into her loving embrace. The man being rather modest, resented this demonstration and thrust her aside, whereupon the Rena gave him a “piece of her mind” in language at once forcful [sic] and eloquent. Her troubles multiplied when she was required to pay the costs yesterday afternoon to Justice McGowan who held her on a charge of disorderly conduct.

Mr. W.H. Baily the efficient Superintendent for the Peoples Benevolent and Releif[sic] Association reports quite a number of sick members but that they are paying off every claim as it comes in. This company has proven itself to be a blessing to our poor people who can, by paying a few cents each week have the assurance of protection in the event of sickness and decent burial in case of death.

No need worrying about what to have for dinner. Mr. Arie Bryant keeps everything in the fresh meat you may want. His stall in Front street Market. Read his ad in this paper.

Mr. A.W Rivenbark says that very often cases of goods are sold out before they can be put up on the shelves; so great in his patronage. This means FRESH GOODS.

This steady increase in his patronage shows that he knows how to treat his customers. Only the very best goods kept and the lowest prices charged, Every thing delivered promply[sic]. Mention the Record.

Mr. J.L. Croom has removed his liquor business from No. 10 Mulberry street to the corner of Water and Mulberry. The grocery business will be conducted by Mr. Z. B. Croom and will be kept in the best possible manner. Mr. R.L. Wemyss the popular “mixer” will have charge of the liquor business.

The democrets[sic] are making extensive preparations for stump-speaking in all parts of the city, which will begin Monday night. It will be to the advantage of the colored people to avoid these places.

Mr. W.A. Toomer has opened a first class barber shop at No. 113 South Front Street. Mr. Wyatt Henderson is associated with Mr. Toomer. The shop opens at 6:30 a.m. and closes at 8:30 p.m. Best attention paid to all customers. Give him a share of your patronage.

St. Luke’s congregation will dedicate their parsonage next Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Bishop C.R. Harris D. D., Presiding Bishop of this district will preach at 11 a.m. At 3p.m. Bishop C.C. Petty of New Bern N.C. will preach the dedicatory sermon. At night 8 p.m. there will be a special sermon preached to the stevedores of this city all are invited to attend these services.

Martin L. Blalock. Pastor.

P.S. Every and friend of the Church giving $1 will receive a picture of the Church, Parsonage and Pastor. tf

Notice of Removal.

The Record has removed its office from the corner of Princess and Water street, to No. 419 South Seventh St. next to St. Luke’s A.M.E. Zion Church. Visitors and friends are invited to call.

For the Legislature.

Mr. James L. Telfair, one of Wilmington’s own sons and a young man of considerable promise announces himself as a candidate for the nomination to the Legislature subject to the action of the Republican county convention next Saturday. We hope that this young sciono [sic], one of our most prominent families will be thus honored.

Wilm’ngt’n[sic] Seacoast R R

On and after June first Trains will observe following schedule: Leave Wilmington 6:30 and 10:10 a.m., 2:30, 5:00, and 7:15.p.m

Leave Ocean view 7:30 and 11:30 a.m., 3:45, 6:00 and 10:00 p.m.

Sunday Trains

Leave Wilmington 10:10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.

Leave Ocean View 11:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

The 10:10 a.m., and the 5:00 o’clock pm. Trains carry freight only, except vegetables and meats which will be taken ot [sic] the 6:30 a.m., train.

No freight will be received unless accompanied by a way bill and freight []aid.


Carolina Beach and Southport Schedule

After Wednesday, June 8th, leave Wilmington daily, except Sunday, for Carolina Beach at 6:00 and 9:15 a.m., 3:00 and 5:15 p.m.

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and Friday, leave Wilmington 7:30 p.m; leave beach 8:30 p.m;

Leave beach 7:00 a m; 1:00, 3:45, and 6:00 p m

Leave beach Sunday 10: a m and 2:30 p m

Leave Beach 12:30 and 6:00 p.m.

The 9:10 boat through for Southport, leaves Southport 12:00 m[sic].

Fare on the 5:15 and 7:30 boats to Pier[ ] return, 15 cents.

J.W. Harper.

Fresh Meats

I have opened the stall No.14 in the New Market on Front street, where I shall keep a full supply of the very best meats, pork, beef, mutton, lamb, veal, sausage, etc.

I ask the patronage of my friends and the public generally. My long experience in handling fresh meats gives me assurance that I can please You.

Stall No.14

Respectfully, Ari Bryant.


Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Patent business conducted for moderate fees. Our office is opposite U.S patent office and we can secure patent in less time than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with description. We advise, if patentable or not, free of change. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A Pamphlet, “How to Obtain patents,” with cost of same in the U.S and foreign countries sent free. Address,


Opp. Patent Office, Washington D.C.

[unable to read] Southern Railway

An Ideal tourist trip to the north and east, via the “Chesapeake Line Steamers.” The pleasure-seeking tourist can accomplish no more delightful rail and water journey to the North or East than via the southern railway to Norfolk, thence the Chesapeake Line Steamers to Baltimore. The Chesapeake Line Steamers is fast mail route. The fleet consists of the most magnigcent[sic] steamships afloat, City of Atlanta, Charlotte, Danville and Baltimore, leaving Norfolk every weekday at 5:45 p.m. for Baltimore touching at Old Point Comfort. These ships were especially constructed for the bay service, and their appointments are as perfect as the most fastidious taste can suggest.

The cuisine is unexcelled. Further attention possible is shown to the traveler [sic]. The connection with the southern railway, arriving at Norfolk at 7:50 a.m., permits a day’s stop ever at that point, giving an opportunity to visit Old Point Comfort (Fort Monroe), Virginia Beach and Newport News.

For rates, through tickets and other information, call on any agent of the Southern Railway, or address R L. Vernon, Travelling Passenger Agent, Charlotte, N.C. tf

Colored Fair

The North Carolina Industrial Fair Association will hold its Twentieth annual fair at Raleigh, N.C. November 15,16,17,and 18, 1898.

The stockholders and Managers return thanks to all those who assisted them in making the previous fair successful. And ask that they put forth greater efforts for the success of this, our twentieth year.

Remember the Date.

We want a long pull, a strong pull and a pull together this year.

We will speak at different places in the state, but cannot go everywhere.

Thomas Donaldson, President.

C.W. Hoover, Tresurer[sic].

R.H.W. Leak, secretary, Box 58 Raleigh, N.C.

Mrs. I.B. Hughes, 420 South Fifth street, is local representatives. Anyone desiring to send exhibits should see Mrs. Hughs at once so that their exhibits may be properly presented. oc 6 tf

WE Keep Groceries

We therefore especially invite the readers of The Record to call in and we will put forth every effort to give satisfaction both in prices and treatment. J.O. Nixon, Cor. 8th and Nixson Streets.

Patronize M.M Niestlie, the Druggist

Cor 7th and Red Cross. Who will serve you day or night call either one No 216

Sundays Closed. Only During Church service

Educate your bowels with Cascarets. Candy cathartic, cure constipation forever 10c. 25c. buy in CCC fail. Druggists refund money

I.O.I G S & D of S

Lodge Directory

All the following lodges meet in Samaritan Hall, corner Sixth and Brunswick streets, each month as follows:

Tree Vine Lodge No.1 meets 1st, and 3rd Tuesday nights. W.H. Starkey, sec’y

Mount Airy Lodge No. 2, meets every 1st and 3rd Monday nights. Lizzie Lloyd, sec’y Brilliant Star Lodge No. 23 meets 1st and 3rd Wednesday nights. R. Jordan, sec’y.

Mt. Zion Lodge No.9 meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday nights. R.H. Jacobi, sec’y. Friendship lodge No.12 meets 1st and 3rd Friday nights. Mrs. Kate Mckoy, sec’y .

[ ] Sons and Daughters[unable to read] meets lst and 3rd. [unable to read] McAllister. ```Golden Gate Lodge no. 144 meets 2nd and 4th Thursday nights. Josiah Clark , sec’y. Venus Lodge No.48 meets 2nd and 4th Friday nights. Mrs. Susan A. Tucker, sec’y.

I.B. Abbott Council No.5, meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday nights. P.C. McLane, sec’y. Members of the order visiting the city cordially invited to the meetings. Moses Jones, Junior District Deputytf

Divorce Notice

State of North Carolina

New Hanover County

Julia McKoy, Plaintiff vs. Louis McKoy, Defendant

The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Soperior[sic] Court in New Hanover County, to obtain a divorce dissolvsng the bonds of matrimony here before and now existing between the Plaintiff and Defendant according to the Statutes in such cases made and provided. The grounds on which said judgement and decree are claimed is dully [sic] set forth in the complaint now on file. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer the said complaint, as above required, the aaid [sic] plantiff will apply to the court.

This 5th day September 1898. Ju. D. Payor,

Clerk of the Superior Court. W.E. Henderson, Attorney for Plaintiff.

Fish and Oysters

To all whom it may concern. Greeting; I, having been in the fish and oysters business for 16 years, have all the experience necessary to meet the wants of the people Generally; ask only reasonable share of your patronage. All goods Guaranteed Fresh and sound when delivered. No express charges for return Money.

S.J. Bell

Wholesale & Retail Dealer in fish and oysters, Front Street Market.

Please write for quotations.

**Biddle University **

The leading institution in the south for the higher education of the colored race. Exclusively for males.

Organized in Four schools; Trade, Normal and Preparatory, Collegiate and Theological. Enrollment last year, 213. Total number of graduates, 455.

Buildings commodious and heated throughout by steam.

The boarding department, superior in all respects.

The location is unsurpassingly [sic] attracting and healthful.

The next term will open October fifth.

For information and catalogues address REV. D.J. Sanders, Biddle University, Charlotte N.C

Fancy Groceries

A.W. Rivenbark’s, next to corner Mulberry and Water Street, where you will find anything you need in the grocery line!

It is worthwhile to buy your groceries where only the best goods are sold.

[ ] Make no difference in our customers. Our prices are right, service perfect, delivery prompt. We deal in all kinds of country produce

Remember the place. A.W. Rivenbark’s,

Next door to the corner of Mulberry and Water Streets.

Fine tailoring

in all the latest styles– each garment, cut and trimmed and finished by expert workmen under our personal supervision— designers direct from Paris and London.

Fashionable fabrics made by the best foreign and domestic mills in exclusive patterns, from the finest grade of selected wool— the neatest designs and newest shades.

Modest prices that our unusual facilities and heavy cash purchases makes it possible for us to quote—your local merchant tailor absolutely cannot meet them.

The Royal Tailors, Chicago, U.S.A.

The largest Custom Tailoring establishment in the world.

C.E Gordon, 25 S. Front Street

As You Run, Read And think on these things.

The People’s Benevolent and Relief Association of North Carolina.

Chief office 227 E. Trade St, Charlotte, N.C


Rev. A Shepard, D.D, President

Hon JS Leary, Vice P. and Attorney

Hon. EJ Young, Sec’y and Manager

MT Pope, Treasurer

A.A. Wyche, M.D., Medical Examiner

The grandest enterprise in the state by the Race. Most wonderful success in the past fifteen months. More than ten thousand policies issued, over three thousand dollars paid for sick, accident, birth and death benefit. Do you ever get sick? Will you ever have an accident? This Association pays sick, accident, birth and death benefits. When you join this company, you secure for yourself a superior benefit to any other company, and you help to make employment for your own sons and daughters. Insure now, Nothing Gained By Delay, 13 weeks payment secures sick accident birth and death benefits. The following canvassers will call for your application: Messrs F.C. Sadgwar, G Barnett, PH McNiel, JW Bryan, E. Pridgan, Jas. Galley, Jr., R.B. Pickins. Misses RJ Corbett, Lillie Byrd and Mrs. N.M McIntire.

City Office 209 Princess St. Hours from 9 a.m. 6 p.m.

WH Bailey, General Superintendent

Stoves Repaired.

Is your stove out of order? Bring it to me. I am fully prepared to fix it up in every way. I repair stoves, heaters, ranges and everything in the stove line. I keep second hand cook and heating stoves which will be sold at lowest prices. Give me a call. Ed McMillan corner Tenth and Mulberry streets. tf

Administrator’s Notice

Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate George McGary deceased, late of Wilmington, New Hanover County, State of North Carolina, This is to notify all persons having claims against the Estate of said deceased, to present the same on or before the 18th day of August, 1899 or this notice will be plead in th [sic] of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate [sic] settlement. This 18th day of August 1898.

Jno Stephen Jones, Administrator.

W.E. Henderson Attorney

Family Supplies

We keep constantly on hand a fresh supply of choice, staple groceries, which we sell at very reasonable prices.

We solicit your patronage. All orders placed with us receive special attention and prompt delivery.

We are prepared to deliver anywhere in the city.

R.H. White

Cor 10th and Campbell Sts

Interstate Telephone 193

Country Produce

Look out for here I am with all kinds of country produce. Give me your order.

I C Fulton,

14 Mulberry Street.

Interstate Phone No. 8.

Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away.

To quit tobacco easily and forever, be magnetic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggist, 50c or $1. Cure guaranteed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York.

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